You want to be a better parent. 

We have the formula to make that happen.

If you're here, you're looking for support. Support from living in a constant state of reaction. Support from constant conflict. From frustration.

It's not just the present, though. Neither will your future just change itself.

Your future is based on your current beliefs & mindsets, habits & actions, and more.

If you're here, you're looking for support. Support from living in a constant state of reaction. Support from constant conflict. From frustration.

Great coaching gives you with the tools needed to rewrite that future ​into one that YOU CAN choose.

How do I know this? Because I've already done it.

With hundreds of parents, educators, business leaders, and more.

You CAN let go of perfection. And frustration. And shame.

You CAN choose to run YOUR own race.

You CAN choose a life and future of PROGRESS.


What is Coaching?

It's about transformation

Coaching is focused on achieving breakthroughs, and nothing less. Coaches should guide clients through a process of first defining where they currently are today - in all aspects, and then gaining clarity around where the client could be if they were to live into their full capacity.

It's NOT therapy

Therapy can be amazing. I spent over a decade of my life working with various therapists. But I want to be clear that coaching and therapy are two very different different practices - each with their own purpose to fill for someone in need. Therapy is (often) focused on the past and how it informs the present, and is (often) focused on better understanding various emotional, mental or behavioral issues the client could be struggling with. Coaching is future-focused and goal-driven, and is (typically) most ideal when an individual is already functioning reasonable well but wants to strive for greatness in some area(s) of their life, overcome obstacles, or believes they have greater potential to reach.

It's led by you

No one knows YOU better than YOU, although life can often not feel that way. Consultants are hired to provide answers to questions their clients are struggling with. Coaches are NOT consultants. Great coaches will guide you through a process of identifying the questions behind the questions behind the (initial) questions you thought you needed to answer. There are few things more wasteful in life than spending years finding the "right" answers to life's wrong question(s).

What Coaching is NOT

A substitute for therapy

As stated above, therapy and coaching serve two very different (and both meaningful) purposes. A great coach will hold you accountable for using coaching as a substitute for therapy, halt your services, and refer you out to a range of great therapists.

​NOTE, though, if you're already working with a therapist and wish to coordinate services with a coach in order to pursue some goal or enhance a specific area of your life, a strong coach could prove a great option to collaborate TOGETHER with your therapist for these purposes.

A miracle cure for dysfunction

Most function begins in the space of mindset. And without a strong mindset, there are no tools a coach can share (shortcuts, strategies, etc.) that will cure underlying dysfunction. This is a difficult lesson to learn for both coaches and clients. At their core, great coaches simply want to serve. But there's not level of giftedness that will allow a coach to overcome their dysfunctional mindsets.


This one cannot be stressed enough. Being coached is HARD. A great coach will have you questioning your belief systems, your core values - your very identity itself. You will be asked difficult questions, which will be followed by even more difficult questions after you THINK you've gotten to the root of the issue you're working through.

BUT. If you stick with it the vision for your future will be greater than you ever believed you could dream, and there will be a process to execute that will allow you to obtain that vision.

LEAD: The Parent Leader Coaching Program

The Parent Leader Coaching Program carries parents from wishing they could hold influence and build connection with their children, to making immediate progress in turning these wishes into reality. Prepare to make your first steps in mastering concepts such as leadership, influence, communication & conflict resolution, and more. 


What is the Parent Formula?

It gives you the process & mindsets needed to let go of perfection, and to instead create real, lasting progress for you and your family.

The Parent Formula was created from and iterated through a combination of research and from thousands of 1:1 coaching hours. It's core variables have been tested in the real-world, instead of existing purely in the theoretical.

The variables are designed to bring purpose and direction to your parenting world. You're most likely living in a constant, reactive state right now. Almost all parents are, so it's not something to feel shame over.

You don't have to live that way, though. It's exhausting. It's beyond frustrating.

The Parent Formula will give you the mindsets and the direction needed to begin shifting to a parenting life where you have control of the steering wheel - not your emotions.

You CAN rewrite your inner dialogue to be positive and empowering.

You CAN become the parent leader your family needs, and you CAN grow your influence with your kid(s).

You CAN learn to communicate in a way that is positive, and that still honors the principles of discipline and boundaries.

You CAN learn proven systems that set your family up for great mornings, into great days, into great weeks, and more.

You CAN become a great parent.
Because we have a formula for that.

Not Ready to Commit to a Full Coaching Program? Book a Single Session.

A single coaching session can be great when you have a specific problem or situation you want to work through, or if you want to get a taste of what the coaching process can feel like.
(Please note: Single Sessions are designed for 45-minutes.)​

45-Minute Session: $277